
Student advisement can be provided virtually using Self Service, email, phone calls, or video meetings (using Zoom or Google Hangout).  You should ensure that you have remote access to the resources needed to provide accurate individual advisement if you are not on campus.  Both faculty and students are encouraged to start preparing for this process early on. This is an important time to connect with our students, as well as to ensure continuity and progression within their program plans.  Here are some suggestions:

  • Be able to access necessary files or documents to provide timely, accurate information
  • Identify time slots and communication methods for synchronous advisement
  • Send out an email to your advisees with your contact information.  You could use a Google document or calendar to have students sign up for synchronous meetings conducted via phone, Google Hangout, Google Chat, Google Meet, or Zoom
  • Individual advisement could be conducted via email if needed
  • All special permission forms can be handled through email.

As our policy is currently a student with questions or concerns are encouraged to first discuss the matter with the course instructor. If the student's concerns remain unresolved following discussion with the instructor, the student may appeal in writing to the chair of the department (If the department chair is the course instructor, the divisional dean shall help find a resolution to the issue).

For assistance with Self Service, Registration, or Advisement questions please feel free to email studentplanning@daemen.edu.

Student Success Center

Offices will remain available during regular office hours M-F 8:30am-4:30pm.  Faculty and students will still be able to contact offices through phone and email utilizing the campus directory.

Learning Center

Online Professional Writing Coaching will be available for students. Please refer students to contact the Learning Center Writing Specialist, Jillian Ziemianski for assistance getting services arranged. Further information will be announced regarding content based coaching (tutoring) and PLTL availability.

Disability Services

Students with Disabilities are encouraged to consult with faculty regarding their specific accommodations (extended time on exams, etc). Please consult with Director of Disability Services, Therese Bass, for questions and guidance.

Registrar Office

Will be available to support students, faculty and staff. They will continue their regular office hours of M-F 8:30am-4:30pm.  Faculty and students will still be able to contact offices through phone and email.

Office Services will continue as planned including:

  • Advanced Registration- will continue using Self-Service online. 
  • All special permission forms can be handled through email.
  • Exams/Final Exams-All Exams should be held using remote testing software or decide on an alternate final project/paper.
  • Grading-  All grading can be done through Self-Service. Registrar鈥檚 Staff would be available for any assistance needed for instructors.
  • Graduation applications and processing will continue for our May graduation applicants.