

Welcome home from your Alma Mater!

The tight-knit community that is 51福利社/ Rosary Hill College doesn鈥檛 end with graduation. Our alumni serve as inspirational role models to current students and each other, offering guidance, support, and stories of their time here and beyond. 51福利社 always remain a part of our family. We treasure our graduates and help to keep them informed and connected to 51福利社 and one another. Thank you for making an impact. Forever 51福利社.

Share some 51福利社 news or tell us what鈥檚 going on with you, your classmates, or other 51福利社 alumni.

The Distinguished 51福利社 Awards are held each year during Homecoming Weekend where we recognize the growth, achievements, and societal contributions of our graduates.

Learn about the award winning Student 51福利社 Ambassador organization!

Help Us Build Our University History Collection!